Toyota Research Institute

MaterialNet provides for this by enabling a simple layout of a given network of materials. The examples in the current implementation are for the aforementioned cases (i.e. visualization of the "complete" phase diagram of the OQMD and similarity metrics from crystal structure), but the tool may be applied to any …

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  • United States
  • Datasets
  • Year 2020
  • Networks GraphMaterials relationships
MToolbox 2D materials classifier

Check if a crystal material with a given formula is a 2D or layered material

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  • None
  • Datasets
  • Year 2020
MToolbox Crystal Structure prediction
University Of South Carolina

Predict crystal structure for a chemical formula

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  • United States
  • Datasets
  • Year 2020
  • crystal structure
MToolbox Space group crystal system predictor
University Of South Carolina

Predict Space group crystal system for a chemical formula

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  • United States
  • Datasets
  • Year 2020
  • Space group crystal system
MToolbox lattice parameter predictor
University Of South Carolina

Predict lattice parameters for a chemical formula

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  • United States
  • Datasets
  • Year 2020
  • lattice parameters
MToolbox Pauling Rule check
University Of South Carolina

Check if a if structure file pass the 5 pauling rule check.

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  • United States
  • Datasets
  • Year 2020
  • Pauling rules
MToolbox Formation Energy and e-above-hull
University Of South Carolina

Predicting the formation energy/enthalpy or e-above-hull energyfor a given crystal materials formula or structure

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  • United States
  • Datasets
  • Year 2020
  • balanced electronegativity
MToolbox Electronegativity Balance check
University Of South Carolina

Check if a chemical formula meets the balanced electronegativity requirement.

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  • United States
  • Datasets
  • Year 2020
  • balanced electronegativity
MToolbox charge neutrality check
University Of South Carolina

The availability and easy access of large scale experimental and computational materials data have enabled the emergence of accelerated development of algorithms and models for materials property prediction, structure prediction, and generative design of materials. However, lack of user-friendly materials informatics web servers has severely constrained the wide adoption of …

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  • United States
  • Datasets
  • Year 2020
  • charge neutrality
Duke University With AFLOWπ we introduce a minimalist framework for high-throughput first principles calculations that it easy to install and operate. The key components involve robust data generation, real time feedback and error control, curation and archival of the data, and post-processing tools for analysis and visualization. AFLOWπ simplifies the process …

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  • United States
  • Datasets
  • Year 2020
  • minimalist framework for high-throughput first principles calculations