id: 63
Nov. 28, 2021


Technische Universität Berlin | 2017

Alexandre Tkatchenko; Kristof T. Schütt; Huziel E. Sauceda; Pieter-Jan Kindermans; Klaus-Robert Müller;


Here we present the deep learning architecture SchNet that is specifically designed to model atomistic systems by making use of continuous-filter convolutional layers. We demonstrate the capabilities of SchNet by accurately predicting a range of properties across chemical space for molecules and materials where our model learns chemically plausible embeddings of atom types across the periodic table. Finally, we employ SchNet to predict potential-energy surfaces and energy-conserving force fields for molecular dynamics simulations of small molecules and perform an exemplary study of the quantum-mechanical properties of C20-fullerene that would have been infeasible with regular ab initio molecular dynamics.


Schütt, Kristof T., et al. "Schnet–a deep learning architecture for molecules and materials." The Journal of Chemical Physics 148.24 (2018): 241722.


deep learning, continuous-filter convolutional layers,

Curator: qinyang