id: 32
Nov. 21, 2021

Artificial intuition for solving chemistry problems via an End-to-End approach

Chinese Academy Of Sciences | 2020

Xiaotong Liu; Tianfu Zhang; Tao Yang; Xiulei Liu; Xin Song; Yong Yang; Ning Li; Gian-Marco Rignanese*; Yongwang Li; and Xiaodong Wen*;


It demonstrate that an inductive approach can be adopted using End-to-End (E2E) machine learning. This approach is illustrated for tackling the following chemistry problems: (i) determine the fully coordinated (FC) and under-coordinated (UC) atoms in a molecule with one missing atom, (ii) identify the type of atom that is missing in such an incomplete molecule, and (iii) predict the direction of a reaction between two molecules according to an existing dataset.


Solving Chemistry Problems via an End-to-End Approach: A Proof of Concept Xiaotong Liu, Tianfu Zhang, Tao Yang, Xiulei Liu, Xin Song, Yong Yang, Ning Li, Gian-Marco Rignanese, Yongwang Li, and Xiaodong Wen The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2020 124 (42), 8866-8873 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.0c06319


machine learning, End-to-End, E2E,

Curator: qinyang