id: 3
Oct. 5, 2021


Stanford University | 2017

Bharath Ramsundar; Peter Eastman; Patrick Walters; Vijay Pande; Karl Lewsing; Zhenqin Wu;


Deepchem is a machine learning library with multiple scientific tools to assist in research. These tools range from analyzing protein structures to counting cells in a microscopy image. As an open source project anyone is free to download, use, and improve deepchem.


@book{Ramsundar-et-al-2019, title={Deep Learning for the Life Sciences}, author={Bharath Ramsundar and Peter Eastman and Patrick Walters and Vijay Pande and Karl Leswing and Zhenqin Wu}, publisher={O'Reilly Media}, note={\url{}}, year={2019} }


deep-learning, material science, quantum chemistry, biology,

Curator: eowre