id: 3
Oct. 22, 2021

Machine learning prediction of coordination energies for alkali group elements in battery electrolyte solvents

National Institute For Materials Science | 2019

ISHIKAWA Atsushi; SODEYAMA Keitaro; IGARASHI Yasuhiko; NAKAYAMA Tomofumi; TATEYAMA Yoshitaka; OKADA Masato;


We combined a data science-driven method with quantum chemistry calculations, and applied it to the battery electrolyte problem. We performed quantum chemistry calculations on the coordination energy (Ecoord) of five alkali metal ions (Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs) to electrolyte solvent, which is intimately related to ion transfer at the electrolyte/electrode interface. Three regression methods, namely, multiple linear regression (MLR), least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), and exhaustive search with linear regression (ES-LiR), were employed to find the relationship between Ecoord and descriptors.


ISHIKAWA, Atsushi; SODEYAMA, Keitaro; IGARASHI, Yasuhiko; NAKAYAMA, Tomofumi; TATEYAMA, Yoshitaka; OKADA, Masato. "Machine learning prediction of coordination energies for alkali group elements in battery electrolyte solvents". Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 21, no. . . (2019):


quantum chemistry, electrolyte, battery,

Curator: shurafa