id: 9
Oct. 1, 2021


Stockholm University | 2016

Alexander Balatsky; Stanislav Borysov; Matthias Geilhufe;


The organic materials database is an open access electronic structure database for 3-dimensional organic crystals, developed and hosted at the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics – Nordita. It provides tools for search queries based on data-mining and machine learning techniques. The universal features provided on our web interface facilitate the design of novel functional organic materials with a wide-range of applications. The elasticity of these compounds connected to the endless configuration space and tuning opportunities open the path towards various basic research and industrial applications such as flexible electronics, carbon-sequestration materials and photovoltaics. Finding such materials in the organic space, which is mainly populated by wide-gap insulators, is a highly non-trivial task. At the same time, these functional materials offer promising technological applications in electronics and offer a basis for environmentally friendly technologies. The electronic structure data from the OMDB will be available for training.


“Welcome to the Organic Materials Database.” Organic Materials Database,


band gap, Dark matter detection, topological nodes, chemical strain, MATDAT18, organic materials, elasticity, carbon-sequestration, Interactive crystal structure plot. ,

Curator: Hana